+/- Switch Key: | Yes |
Amortization: | No |
Backspace Key: | Yes |
Base Number Calculations: | Yes |
Bond Calculations: | No |
Calculators Display Type: | LCD |
Calculators Memory: | 3-Key |
Cash Flow Calculations: | No |
Complex Number Calculations: | No |
Confidence Interval Calculating: | No |
Cost/Sell/Margin: | Yes |
Currency Exchange Function: | No |
Date Calculations: | No |
Decimal Function: | Yes |
Depreciation Calculations: | No |
Display Angle: | Angled |
Display Characters Height: | 21 mm |
Display Characters x Display Lines: | 12 x 1 |
Display Notation: | Numeric |
Double Zero Key: | Yes |
Equation Editor: | No |
Fraction Calculations: | No |
Fraction/Decimal Conversions: | No |
Global Product Type: | Financial Calculators |
Grand Total Key: | Yes |
Hyperbolic Functions: | No |
Hypothesis Testing: | No |
Interest Rate Conversion: | No |
Item Count Function: | No |
Linear Regression: | No |
Loan Calculation: | Yes |
Logical (Boolean) Operations: | No |
Markup/Down Key: | No |
Matrices: | No |
Metric Conversion: | No |
Number of Display Digits: | 12 |
Package Includes: | (2) AA Batteries |
Percent Add-On/Discount: | No |
Percent Key(s): | Yes |
Polar-Rectangular Conversion: | No |
Post-Consumer Recycled Content Percent: | 0% |
Power Source(s): | Battery; Solar |
Pre-Consumer Recycled Content Percent: | 0% |
Probability (Random Number): | No |
Product Biodegradability in Days: | 0 |
Replacement Batteries: | AA |
Simultaneous Equations: | No |
Size: | 7.87 x 5.87 x 1.75 |
Square Root Key: | Yes |
Tax Calculation: | Yes |
Time-Value-of-Money: | No |
Time/Date: | No |
Total Recycled Content Percent: | 0% |
Trig/Log Functions: | No |
Variable Regression: | No |
6500 Executive Desktop Loan Calculator, 12-Digit LCD
12-digit calculator is perfect for desktop use either at home or in the office. Features an extra large LCD angled display. The smooth touch keyboard, huge 21mm display, and brushed metal faceplate, make it the optimal calculator for your desk. The loan wizard helps you effortlessly answer any loan question (simply input any three loan variable to compute the fourth, you also have the option to change payment periods per year). Also features 3-key independent memory, change sign key, backspace key, delta percent, automatic power down, and hybrid power (solar/battery backup). Power Source(s): Battery; Solar; Display Notation: Numeric; Number of Display Digits: 12; Display Characters x Display Lines: 12 x 1.
100 in stock
Additional information
Weight | 0.66 lbs |
Dimensions | 8.50 × 1.75 in |